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COVID, Tech, and the Legal System

…restart YouTube livestream” (CityPulse, May 20, 2021) Online: https://www.lansingcitypulse.com/stories/michigan-judge-reverses-course-will-restart-youtube-livestream,17138. [12] Supreme Court of Canada, Archived Webcasts (2009) Online: https://www.scc-csc.ca/case-dossier/info/webcasts-webdiffusions-eng.aspx?ya=2009&mo=0&submit=Search. [13] Certain people including reporters from designated organisations and court staff…

A Changing Role for Lawyers in the Age of Self-Represented Litigants

…Journal <http://www.abajournal.com/news/article/william_hubbard_speaks_about_the_importance_of_technology_in_expanding_acce/?utm_source=maestro&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=techshow_wrapup>. [4] Ontario Bar Association, ““Getting it Right”: A Report of the Ontario Bar Association Justice Stakeholders Summit” (June 2007), online: Ontario Bar Association <www.OBA.org/en/pdf/Justice%Summit.sml.pdf>. [5] Cost of Justice,

Facilitating Access to Justice Through Innovation

…  [9] Anam Khan, “Law van delivers free access to legal advice throughout Wellington County” GuelphToday (3 June 2019, online: GuelphToday <https://www.guelphtoday.com/local-news/law-van-offers-free-access-to-justice-to-people-in-rural-areas-1487125>; CBC News, “Mobile legal clinics coming to rural…

Accessing justice… from the cottage?

…public to support litigants that can’t afford legal services. What others are saying: http://www.slaw.ca/2013/07/23/justaccess-seeks-crowdfunding-to-launch-venture-to-crowdfund-legal-disputes/ http://www.canadianlawyermag.com/legalfeeds/1592/crowdfunding-comes-to-legal-services.html   eQuibbly: Resolve Disputes Online Quickly and Fairly eQuibbly is an online dispute resolution service…

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Community Legal Clinics and Pro Bono Legal Services in Ontario

…There has long been an understanding that health problems and legal problems are often interrelated; the same is true of social problems and legal problems.[6] Ontario’s community legal clinics have…

The Justice Crisis: A New Book about Access to Justice in Canada

…to justice requires ‘culture shift’ not just lower lawyer fees: new book”, Law Times (3 September 2020) online: <https://www.lawtimesnews.com/resources/legal-technology/increasing-access-to-justice-requires-culture-shift-not-just-lower-lawyer-fees-new-book/332973>. Trevor Farrow and Lesley Jacobs, “Thursday Thinkpiece: The Justice Crisis–The Cost…

Self-Represented Litigants, Self-Help, and Family Justice Reform

…online: CFCJ <https://www.cfcj-fcjc.org/sites/default/files//docs/Cost-Implication-of-Family-Law-Disputes.pdf>. [20] Ibid at 56. [21] Ibid at 54. [22] Anthony Davis, “Manitoba working on family law reforms” Canadian Lawyer Magazine (7 May 2019), online: <https://www.canadianlawyermag.com/practice-areas/family/manitoba-working-on-family-law-reforms/276115>; Modernizing Our…

A One-Stop-Shop for Civil Access to Justice

…A Discussion Paper” (July 2020), online: Community Legal Education Ontario < https://cleoconnect.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Community-Justice-Help-Advancing-Community-Based-Access-to-Justice_discussion-paper-July-2020.pdf>. [2] T.C.W. Farrow, A. Currie, N. Aylwin, L. Jacobs, D. Northrup and L. Moore, “Everyday Legal Problems and…

Access to Justice Projects at The Law Commission of Ontario

…representing older adults, persons with disabilities African-Canadians and the LGBTQ communities (in our older adults (http://lco-cdo.org/en/content/older-adults) or persons with disabilities (http://lco-cdo.org/en/content/persons-disabilities) projects or both. The input of Spanish speakers, Chinese…

The Global Access to Justice Project

…is occurring in access to justice throughout the world. It aims to undertake a comprehensive analysis of what has been attempted, what has failed and what has worked well within…

Guest A2J Blog: Law Students Tackle Access to Justice Crisis from Small Business Perspective

…email at thinklab@uvic.ca. Jeremy Maddock is a law student at the University of Victoria, and publisher of CharterCases.com, a legal information resource. He can be reached by email at jeremymaddock@hotmail.com….

Connecting Ottawa

…Annual Connecting Ottawa Conference, where lawyers, community legal workers, settlement conference workers, policy makers, scholars and other members of the community came together to build connections and strengthen their network….

Caregiver Access to Justice in Canada: Addressing the Challenges Faced by Migrant Workers

…Ibid. [13] Tami Friesen, “The Live-In Caregiver Program: Inequality Under Canada’s Immigration System” (2003), online: National Association of Women and the Law <https://nawl.ca/the-live-in-caregiver-program-inequality-under-canadas-immigration-system/> and Rupaleem Bhuyan, Lorraine Valmadrid, Esel Laxa…

Fixing A Problem That We Don’t Fully Understand

…CFCJ website: www.cfcj-fcjc.org/our-projects/measuring-legal-service-interventions/. This article originally appeared on Slaw.ca on August 15, 2019: http://www.slaw.ca/2019/08/15/fixing-a-problem-that-we-dont-fully-understand/. __ [1] See for example, Jessica Prince and Rory Gillis, “Lawyers are too expensive for most…

Justice For All

…Billion People Resolve Their Justice Problems, New Global Report Finds” (29 April 2019) online: Pathfinders for Peaceful, Justice and Inclusive Societies <https://www.justice.sdg16.plus/report>. [2] For the complete list of UN Sustainable…

The Codify Project: Building a Free Database of Global Legislation

…access legal information, and subsequently understand the law. Despite this, the most useful legal resources are consistently being locked behind paywalls, under a business model that tries to extract as…

An Evaluation of the Cost of Family Law Disputes: Measuring the Cost Implication of Various Dispute Resolution Methods

…Evaluation of the Cost of Family Law Disputes: Measuring the Cost Implication of Various Dispute Resolution Methods” on the CFCJ website here http://www.cfcj-fcjc.org/sites/default/files//docs/Cost-Implication-of-Family-Law-Disputes.pdf and on the CRILF website at <http://www.crilf.ca/publications.htm>…

Justice Development Goals Website Launch / Lancement du site Web sur les objectifs de développement en matière de justice

The Action Committee on Access to Justice in Civil and Family Matters is pleased to announce the launch of its new Justice Development Goals website (www.justicedevelopmentgoals.ca). The Action Committee was…

New Research on the Suitability and Cost of Family Law Dispute Resolution Processes

…social return on investment (SROI) analysis that offers a common set of parameters around which to compare the financial impacts and social value of each method of dispute resolution relative…

Reports cite heavy toll of legal problems on Canadian society

This article was originally published by The Lawyer’s Daily (www.thelawyersdaily.ca), part of LexisNexis Canada Inc. The price paid for legal problems is not just made up of dollars and cents,…

Thinking Big about Access to Justice

…outcomes. How often does our current approach provide both? Once we understand that access to justice must be understood broadly, we quickly see that the problem is both complex and…

Innovating Justice: Ideas from the Netherlands

…American nations, attend this conference. The focus of the ILAG is on access to justice in European nations, as well as other common law countries. The conference series began twenty…

The Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family and the Canadian Forum on Civil Justice are Studying the Cost of Resolving Family Law Disputes

…extremely complex social issues. He added that the institute’s second approach is to conduct a social return on investment analysis on the four different dispute resolution processes by looking at…

Making A2J Matter to the Public

The Action Committee on Access to Justice in Civil and Family Matters launched the #justiceforall campaign designed to raise public understanding of accessible justice challenges as a component of a…

Intéresse le public de A2J

…possibles seront limitées au champ d’action, aux ressources et à l’imagination du système de justice. Le Comité d’Action vous demande, comme un des A2J leaders au Canada, nous aider à…

Launch of a major project to develop and publish a Status Report on the State of Access to Justice in Canada

…carried out by the Canadian Forum on Civil Justice. The Action Committee was convened in 2008 by the Rt. Honourable Beverley McLachlin, Chief Justice of Canada, in order to develop…

Lancement d’un grand projet visant à rédiger et à publier un rapport d’étape sur l’état de l’accès à la justice au Canada

…tout organisme qui se définit comme un participant à des activités conçues pour améliorer l’accès à la justice. L’étape suivante consistera à compiler et à publier les résultats du sondage…

Human-Centered Design and the Justice System: Lessons from the Field

…(HCD) approach to civil justice reform. This approach has led to several recommended improvements in the civil justice system, including the complete redesign of the family law statement of claim…

Research Update: Paralegals, the Cost of Justice and Access to Justice: A Case Study of Residential Tenancy Disputes in Ottawa

…newly developed distinction within the category of ‘Lawyer’ between those who could be identified as practicing either at a community legal clinic or the Ottawa Housing Help community non-governmental organization,…

Research Update: Paralegals, the Cost of Justice and Access to Justice: A Case Study of Residential Tenancy Disputes in Ottawa

…in the residential tenancy dispute system, but more for landlords than for tenants. Against this background, this research project has gathered and begun analyzing all reported decisions (on CanLII) of…

Canadian Forum on Civil Justice launches the Access to Justice Research Network

…coordination of research related to access to justice (A2J). Combining a listserv and website, the AJRN allows users to easily exchange resources, including scholarly articles, key research findings, case commentaries,…

The Action Committee on Access to Justice in Civil and Family Matters Convenes a Meeting of Provincial and Territorial A2J Groups

…more provincial and territorial updates as they become publicly available. A full report on the meeting will be released this spring. For more information on the Action Committee, visit: www.cfcj-fcjc.org/action-committee….

Everyday Legal Problems and the Cost of Justice in Canada

…Cost of Justice in Canada” is a national legal-problems survey which assesses the frequency and multi-dimensional costs of everyday legal problems faced by Canadians aged 18 years and older. It…

Access to Justice Spotlight: A Review of the Recent Access to Justice Report in Australia

…servicing disadvantaged Australians be reallocated in order to better target areas of need. Further, given the inconsistent eligibility criteria between legal aid and community legal centres, the Commission recommended that…

Paralegals and Access to Justice: A Case Study of Residential Tenancy Disputes in Ottawa [1]

…Ontario’s Landlord and Tenant Board (the LTB). The creation and operation of the LTB and like tribunals is very much premised on the understanding that administrative processes can offer better…

Insights into the Cost of Evidence

…Evidence: A View from the Ryder Sources” (1996) 96 Colum L Rev 1168. http://digitalcommons.law.yale.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1538&context=fss_papers Reaching Equal Justice: An Invitation to Envision and Act (August 2013), online: Canadian Bar Association ​<http://www.cba.org/cba/equaljustice/secure_pdf/Equal-Justice-Report-eng.pdf>….

Reaching Equal Justice: An Invitation to Envision and Act

…justice innovation. Rather than simply reading this report, the Committee asks the reader to engage with it. It calls on everyone to consider the targets proposed and the change-oriented ideas…

CFCJ Publishes New Cost of Justice Reports

…CFCJ’s Cost of Justice survey, as well as pathways used to try to resolve legal problems. This new Cost of Justice report is available on the CFCJ website here: www.cfcj-fcjc.org/wp-content/uploads/SPENDING-Everyday-Legal-Problems-and-the-Cost-of-Justice-in-Canada.pdf….

2019 International Legal Aid Group Meeting in Ottawa

…environmental factors combine with the legacy of colonialism shape the delivery of legal aid in Canada’s arctic region. Michele Leering from the Community Advocacy and Legal Centre in eastern Ontario…

In Canada the Rule of Law is Mostly Thick

…“peace, order and good government” used in S 91 of the Constitution Act, Canada ranks highest on the order and security component of the index with a score of 0.91….

Everyday Legal Problems and the Cost of Justice in Canada Fact Sheets

…Action, Social Assistance and Immigration. For information on other outputs from the CFCJ’s Everyday Legal Problems and the Cost of Justice in Canada study, visit the CFCJ website at: www.cfcj-fcjc.org/cost-of-justice…

The 2021 International Legal Aid Group (ILAG) Conference and the Challenge of COVID-19

…the total answer. Rather, complex and mixed services will be required to address complex and mixed problems. Importantly, as digital approaches come into wider use we must avoid the nirvana…