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Canadian Forum on Civil Justice
Forum canadien sur la justice civile

  • Community-Based Justice Research
  • Measuring the Impact of Legal Services
  • Multi-disciplinary Problem Resolution
  • The Justice Crisis
  • Investing in Justice
  • Cost of Justice
  • Infographics
  • Inventory of Reforms

Community-Based Justice Research Project

The Community-Based Justice Research (CBJR) Project aims to compare the costs, benefits, challenges and opportunities for providing access to community-based justice services in Canada, Sierra Leone, Kenya and South Africa.

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Measuring the Impact of Legal Services

The Measuring the Impact of Legal Service Interventions project (2019-2024) seeks to use a longitudinal research design to assess the effectiveness and impacts of different types of legal services.

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Multi-disciplinary Legal Problem Resolution

This research initiative seeks to examine programs and services that address the non-legal and legal dimensions of civil justice matters.

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Investing in Justice

Investing in Justice – A Literature Review in Support of the Case for Improved Access by Lisa Moore and Trevor C W Farrow

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Everyday Legal Problems and the Cost of Justice in Canada: Overview Report

The Cost of Justice project (2011 – 2018) examines the social and economic costs of Canada’s justice system.

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A list of helpful infographics.

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Inventory of Reforms

The Inventory of Reforms provides detailed information about the many reform initiatives in Canada. Entries pertain to changes in court procedures, legal aid, public legal education and related information programs.

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We are a national non-profit organization dedicated to advancing civil justice reform through research and advocacy.

Extending the Reach of Legal Aid to a Rural Area

CFCJ Newsletter (Summer 2024)

The Canadian Forum on Civil Justice does not provide legal advice.
Click here for a list of organizations that may be able to assist you.