Nos projets
Le Forum canadien sur la justice civile guide divers acteurs vers un système de justice civile qui est accessible, équitable et efficace.
Le système de justice civile permet aux citoyens de gérer des désaccords juridiques individuels, non criminels. Des exemples de poursuites civiles comprennent les divorces, les adoptions, les demandes de dommages et de réclamations résultant d’accidents de la route. Les problèmes qui entravent l’efficacité de notre système de justice civile incluent les retards et les couts associés aux procédures judiciaires civiles ainsi qu’un manque général de compréhension parmi les citoyens sur la manière de naviguer le système de justice civile.
En réponse, le Forum canadien sur la justice civile engage divers acteurs du public, des tribunaux, de la profession juridique, du milieu universitaire et du gouvernement dans l’élaboration de politiques fondées sur des preuves et de programmes efficaces qui améliorent l’accès des Canadiens aux services et ressources juridiques.
Projets actuels
Mesurer l'impact des interventions des services juridiques
Le projet << Mesurer l’impact des interventions des services juridiques >> (2019-2025) est une étude longitudinale d’impact visant à évaluer l’efficacité de différents types d’interventions des services juridiques sur l’issue des litiges juridiques.
Access to Criminal Justice - A Study on Criminal Courts and Self-Representation (disponible en anglais seulement)
This project seeks to examine and provide evidence aimed at increasing access to justice in criminal courts. It will explore fairness and inefficiencies in the criminal courts, and gather insights on the cost benefits and importance of well-supported and well-resourced public courts and justice services.
Access to Justice through the Tribunal System (disponible en anglais seulement)
Through this research initiative, the Canadian Forum on Civil Justice seeks to explore: (i) what obstacles Canadians might face in resolving civil legal problems through the tribunal system; (ii) the benefits that tribunals offer justice seekers, relative to other dispute resolution forums; and (iii) how the design and administration of the tribunal system advances or hinders the goal of people-centred, fair, affordable, durable, and accessible justice.
Projets achevés
Recherche sur la justice communautaire (RJC)
Le projet de recherche sur la justice communautaire (RJC) (2018-2022) est une étude de trois ans visant à comparer les couts, les avantages, les défis et les possibilités de fournir et d’élargir l’accès aux services de justice communautaire au Canada, en Sierra Leone, au Kenya et en Afrique du Sud.
Pour en savoir plus, visitez :
Accès à la justice pour les demandeurs du statut de réfugié : Mesurer l’impact du financement de l’aide juridique aux réfugiés au Canada
Le projet Accès à la justice pour les demandeurs du statut de réfugié (2020-2021) est une initiative de recherche collaborative entre le Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (HCR), le Centre for Refugee Studies (CRS) de l’Université York, la Chaire d’excellence en recherche du Canada (CERC) sur la migration et l’intégration, et le Forum canadien sur la justice civile (FCJC). Ce projet vise à offrir une enquête opportune et importante sur l’impact de l’accès à la justice pour les demandeurs du statut de réfugié au Canada.
Pour en savoir plus, visitez :
The Cost of Justice: Weighing the Costs of Fair and Effective Resolution to Legal Problems
The Cost of Justice project (2011-2018) examines the social and economic costs of Canada’s justice system.
Please visit the Cost of Justice project page to access all publications:
Self-Represented Litigants
Canadian Judicial Council Project on Self- Represented Litigants and Accused Persons
The Canadian Judicial Council Project on Self-Represented Litigants and Accused Persons assessed the nature and extent of challenges presented to trial and appeal courts across Canada by self-represented litigants and the unrepresented accused. This project prepared a set of practical resources for Canadian judges and, with their input, court administrators.
- Conseil canadien de la magistrature : Énoncé de principes
concernant les plaideurs et les accusés non représentés par un avocat - Annotated Bibliography on Self-Represented Litigants*
*See Appendix IV
Alberta Legal Services Mapping Project
To achieve access to justice for all Canadians, legal services must be delivered as part of a coordinated and holistic response to local social conditions and needs.
The Alberta Legal Services Mapping Project (ALSMP) was designed to gain a better understanding of what legal needs Albertans have, the extent to which these needs are currently being met and how access to legal services can be improved. The ALSMP created a province-wide “map” of legal services including information, education, legal advice, legal representation and/or other supports or assistance related to legal problems. Unmet service needs were engaged on two levels:
1) what can be done to enhance delivery of currently available services; and
2) what service gaps need to be filled and how this might be achieved.
Special attention is paid to the role a self-help centre or kiosk could play in achieving improved self-represented litigant services.
The research team for this project was made up of 20 senior representatives from governmental, non-profit and legal professional organizations. Funding was provided by the Alberta Law Foundation and Alberta Justice.
Please visit the Alberta Legal Services Mapping Project page for publications:
Alberta Self-Represented Litigants Access to Justice Mapping Project
The Alberta Self-Represented Litigants Access to Justice Mapping Project was designed to document the range of government and non-government services and supports currently available to self-represented litigants (SRLs) in Alberta. The mapping process revealed issues surrounding current service delivery, including gaps in present services and possible ways of bringing existing services more closely in-line with the needs of SRLs. This research was undertaken in collaboration with Alberta Justice and non-governmental organizations concerned with services related to access to justice.
Civil Justice System and the Public
The Civil Justice System and the Public research project was focused on improving communication within the civil justice system and between the civil justice system and the public. The research team was made up of leading academics and senior representatives involved in the administration of justice in Canada.
This project was funded by the Alberta Law Foundation and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.
- Some Facts and Figures from the Civil Justice System and the Public
- Creating Collaborative Alliances for Change: A Dynamic Resource for the Justice Community
- Civil Justice System and the Public: Learning from Experiences to Find Practices that Work
- Balancing the Scales: Understanding Aboriginal Perspectives on Civil Justice
- Social, Economic and Health Problems Associated with a Lack of Access to the Courts
Developing Networks for Evidence Based Socio-Legal Research
There is a lack of socio-legal research capacity, both within Canada and internationally, especially in the many areas of non-criminal social research. In recognition of this need, the Law Foundation of British Columbia provided funding for a pilot project aimed at developing networks for evidence-based social research about systems of justice and related legal issues. Ultimately this project supported our Research in Action program by developing a national network of socio-legal researchers.
- Research Priorities and Potentials
- Research in Action: Report on the “Understanding Civil Justice in the Everyday World: Developing Networks for Evidence Based Socio-legal Research” Workshops
Mapping as a Research Tool
Emerging international research demonstrates that high economic and social costs accrue when individuals cannot access timely and effective resolutions to legal problems. Canadian research also shows that most people lack knowledge and understanding of legal rights, legal processes and services, and experience significant barriers when attempting to seek legal information and assistance. This project discusses how community-based mapping research can facilitate such engagement in compiling evidence that informs the development of legal processes and services that are more accessible, effective, efficient and fair.
- Community-Based Mapping: A Research Tool for Justice System Research
- Reaching out with Research: Engaging Community in Mapping Legal Service Accessibility, Effectiveness and Unmet Needs
Into the Future
Part I of the Into the Future Conference concentrated on the current state of Canada’s civil justice systems. Part II of the Conference led to consensus on the need for a national initiative to promote civil justice reform. Every jurisdiction in Canada was represented by lawyers, judges, government policy makers, politicians, legal service organizations and members of the public, in some combination at both parts of the conference.