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Consultation Paper: Civil Rights in Saskatchewan Long-term Care Facilities


There is little doubt that abuse is a potential problem in long-term care facilities. Studies across Canada have shown that abuse occurs, and that active measures are necessary to control it. Saskatchewan long-term care facilities are aware of abuse issues. Almost all have protocols to deal with abuse, and most have educational programs to familiarize staff with the problem of abuse. It is not the purpose of this paper to review these efforts in detail. The focus is, rather, on violations of the rights of residents, particularly when they do not involve physical abuse, and particularly when they may not be effectively addressed by existing protocols designed to deal with more blatant forms of abuse.



Body Responsible:
Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan

Bill No. 606: An Act respecting the Rights of Residents in Special Care Facilities and Personal Care Homes
Consultation Paper: Civil Rights in Saskatchewan Long-term Care Facilities – Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan

The purpose of the consultation paper is to encourage discussion, and to solicit input from members of the community. The Commission hopes that respondents will assist it in clarifying civil rights concerns in long-term care, and help it to articulate appropriate steps which should be taken to ensure protection of civil rights of residents.

In 2014, Danielle Chartier tried to pass Bill No. 606, An Act respecting the Rights of Residents in Special Care Facilities and Personal Care Homes. However, the bill was never passed.

The issues and question raised in the consultation paper are difficult. They are also important enough to warrant our collective attention. We should, through the long-term care system we create, provide the highest quality of life that we can for residents. Compassionate and caring long-term care homes and their staff, as well as residents and their families, are well served when we provide appropriate structures for enunciating and safeguarding the civil rights of residents in long-term care.

This consultation paper is intended to provide background for a discussion about ways to protect the rights of residents in long-term care. The questions for consideration set out below are intended to help focus the discussion, but are hardly exhaustive of the issues raised here.

  1. Are protections for the civil rights of residents in long-term care (special care and personal care homes) adequate at present?
  2. Should a residents’ bill of rights be required for all long-term care homes? If so, should it be legislated, or should each facility be required to adopt its own bill of rights?
  3. Should investigation of complaints of abuse (including violations of civil rights) be mandatory? If so, should an independent investigative agency be designated to investigate, recommend, and direct remedies for abuse?
  4. Should an independent advocate to represent residents and their interests be created?

Revision History:
This summary was last reviewed on June 13, 2024