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Inventory of Reforms

BC Distance Mediation Project


BC Mediator Roster Society project to provide communication technology for family mediation with non-urban individuals.


British Columbia

Body Responsible:
B.C. Mediator Roster Society

May 15, 2012: Mediation services ended
May 1, 2011: Mediation services were offered
May 31, 2009: Pilot Project launched

BC Distance Mediation Project

The Distance Mediation Project, was run by the B.C. Mediator Roster Society and funded by the Law Foundation of British Columbia, it offered free family mediation services to eligible families living in non-urban areas of British Columbia. The project ran between May 1, 2011 – May 15, 2012.

The project’s goal was to find out how technology can best be used to provide high quality mediation services to families – especially families living in non-urban areas. It also assisted family mediators by allowing them to gain new knowledge about how they can use different technologies to help families work out their disagreements.

Description of Reforms:
In this Project, mediations are held using current information and communication technologies. Experienced family mediators use these technologies to bring families together for the mediation, rather than meeting in-person. There are many technologies families can choose from, including telephone, e-mail, videoconferencing and webconferencing.

To be eligible for the Project’s free mediation services, at least one of the participating family members must live in a non-urban community of British Columbia with a population less than 10,000. The issue(s) to be resolved must relate to separation or divorce in British Columbia. These include issues relating to parenting, financial support, and small or large family property matters. Everyone participating must agree to use technology for the mediation…

Up to six hours of mediation services are available to eligible families at no charge, provided the issues to be resolved are appropriate to mediate using information and communication technologies.

Revision History:
This summary was last reviewed in Aug 16, 2012