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Transition to the New Rules of Court


The Alberta Rules of Court came into force on November 1st, 2010. This paper outlines the transition provisions and how the new rules will affect existing proceedings. The general principle is that the new rules will apply to all existing proceedings from November 1st.



Court of Appeal

Body Responsible:
Alberta Law Reform Institute

Transition to the New Rules of Court – Alberta Law Reform Institute

This paper reviews where specific new rules will not apply to certain proceedings and where specific former rules will continue in force, as well as the availability of Court assistance to resolve doubt or difficulties concerning the transition. The paper then reviews the standardized system of time periods under the new rules. Under this standardized system, most time periods are slightly longer although a few are shorter. There are specific transition provisions for dealing with these changes to time periods. Except as expressly noted, this paper does not address the family law rules contained in Part 12 of the new rules.

Revision History:
This summary was last reviewed in Aug 14, 2012